3D cutting is used in particular by sheet metal subcontractors. It enables them to cut folded, stamped or spun parts, profiles or even machine-welded parts, using 5-axis cutting machines or robots. Thanks to the complete modeling of the machine and its environment, the complete support for kinematics and without limitation on the number of axes, Alma is able to control any type of 3D cutting machine or robot with a high level of automation and with great efficiency. The Almacam Space Cut software also meets the specific requirements of different 3D cutting technologies such as laser, plasma and water jet.
3D cutting is used to process shaped metal parts in various sizes and thicknesses, with shapes of varying levels of complexity, by means of 5-axis machines (3 axes for translation and 2 axes for rotation) or polyarticulated robots. The cutting head swivels in any direction and can cut several sides of a part with having to be repositioned.
3D cutting can also be used for machine-welded parts or to cut bevels on flat sheets using a cutting robot. Some 5-axis machines are fitted with a mandrel making it possible to cut tubes of any shape.
3D cutting machines are used in particular by SMEs specialized in sub-contracting sheet metal work for small and medium series or prototyping. 3D cutting is suitable for any kind of metal: steels, stainless steel, aluminum, alloys, etc.
Several 3D cutting technologies are used. Although 5-axis laser cutting is the most widespread, plasma cutting is best for particularly thick parts, especially with a robot. Water jet technology is used for high precision cold cutting of 3D parts made from many different materials including particularly thick parts. Each of these technologies has its own advantages, and its own requirements which must be taken into account at the programming stage.
Based on an accurate 3D representation of the machine (including kinematics or axis limit elements) and its environment, Almacam Space Cut, thanks to automatic geometry analysis functions, can automatically define the cutting contours for CAD-imported parts. Using a powerful algorithm that optimizes the paths while avoiding collisions, the software then generates the tool head trajectories taking account of the specificities of each cutting technology (laser, plasma, water jet).
It also allows you to automatically model the tooling to support 3D parts, based on a 3D model of the part to cut. With Almacam Space Cut, you will easily create and validate NC programs thanks torealistic simulation and automatic control functions
Almacam Space Cut interacts with any brand of 3D cutting machines and robots. For 5-axis machines that may have to cut flat sheets, Almacam Cut programming modules are provided with Almacam Space Cut. Almacam Space Cut can also be combined with the Tube module which comprises a set of specific functionalities for cutting tubes (modeling, nesting and programming).
With 5-axis cutting, we are able to develop our own range of decorative products. Alma’s technology allows us to maintain complete control over the entire production process, from start to finish. We pride ourselves on being highly responsive, offering the flexibility to produce in very small batches while delivering fully customized solutions tailored to our customers’ needs.
Sébastien Garnier, Head of Garnier Industries