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Nest&Cut, a new automatic nesting web application

Optimized nesting layouts in a few clicks for all cutting machines and materials

With the Nest&Cut web application, any company involved in cutting flat materials, no matter where they are in the world, can access the best automatic nesting algorithms to reduce raw material costs without investing in a costly solution.

In just a few clicks you send the geometries in DXF format, prepare its data (part quantities, material formats) then start automatic nesting in the Cloud. A few seconds later, Nest&Cut produces the optimized cutting drawings in DXF format with the cutting order of the parts, ready for the cutting software or the machine’s numeric control.

Main advantages and benefits

High performance extremely fast automatic 2D nesting of complex shapes.

Many exclusive functions: automatic cleaning of DXF geometries, re-nesting of existing cutting plans, multi-format nesting, export of the part cutting order, etc.

Really fast import and cleaning of DXF geometries.

Adjustable computation time to find the best compromise between material yield and available time.

Very simple to use, no need for any training.

100% web application always benefiting from the latest functionalities.

Can be used for production (export of DXF nestings with part cutting order) or for estimating material costs.

Accessible via a simple monthly subscription: no investment required, no financial risk.

A universal nesting application just a click away

Nest&Cut gives you web access to high performance automatic nesting functions for complex 2D parts, to cut any kind of flat material: sheet metal, wood, textiles, composite, stone, foam, etc.

Nest&Cut is for cutting sub-contractors or manufacturers who do not own a high performance nesting software, but are looking to improve their material yield recurrently or occasionally, and do not want to invest in an “on premises” CAD/CAM software, due to excessive maintenance and acquisition costs, lack of human resources, and a lengthy training period, etc.

Nest&Cut can also be used to accurately estimate material consumption and associated costs, e.g. for an ordering party who wants to evaluate the quantity of formats required by a sub-contractor to produce their order.

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