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CAD, CAM, ERP integration to leverage an integrated shipbuilding environment

The shipbuilding industry, marked by its complexity and project scope, has to leverage ERP-CAD-CAM interoperability to enhance efficiency in the production process, from design to manufacturing. This article explores the specific benefits and challenges of integrating Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems as well as other production management systems with the example of Almacam software.

integration CAD-CAM-ERP

The role of CAD-CAM integration in shipbuilding

Shipbuilding projects require seamless communication between design and manufacturing stages. CAD software enables the creation of detailed 3D ship models, while CAM software translates these designs into machinable parts. When these systems are not interfaced enought, inefficiencies and errors can arise. CAD-CAM interoperability ensures that design data flows smoothly into manufacturing, optimizing the entire production process.

Avoiding risk of error and streamlining production flow

Integrated CAD and CAM systems enhance design precision by allowing real-time updates and modifications. This is crucial in shipbuilding, where minor errors can have significant implications.  This is a good example with Almacam: when a design has been changed (in the CAD side), the nesting parts (in the CAM side) that are impacted, are natively highlighted, allowing the user to check them and regenerate the NCfile.

As you can understand, the interoperability between CAD and CAM systems eliminate the need for manual data transfer between design and manufacturing stages. This accelerates production timelines and minimizes human errors, contributing to streamlining production process. Automated tools within these systems make manufacturing processes more productive, further preventing issues .

Integration of Almacam with CAD software

Almacam is a versatile CAM software particularly adapted to shipbuilding that seamlessly integrates with various CAD systems, enhancing the ship production process. The software supports multiple CAD formats (DWG, DXF….) and enables the direct import from popular CAD-PLM applications for shipbuilding as Cadmatic , Intergraph SmartMarine, Dassault Systems Catia 3DX, Siemens NX, Aveva Marine… This interoperability is achieved through automatized process and standardized file formats, ensuring that design data from CAD software is accurately and efficiently imported into machinable parts


Almacam has been the pioneer CAM software adapted for shipyards , becoming in 40 years, the Leader, and continuously developing the solution to address nowaydays’challenges. Providing the essential features for CAD-CAM, Almacam works the same way as a yard building, evolving block by block, naming conventions of NC files, creating documents workshop.

Alma’s in-depth knowledge of shipbuilding specifications enables Almacam to meet both our requirements and our methodology, working by blocks or integrating with our production management system, in addition to the power of nesting and tool path optimization.

Frank Rauchenecker - MV Werften

Almacam is able to cleaning up parts during import, ensuring data integrity and accuracy. After reading geometry, Almacam run part preparation for available machines by automatically marking part reference, repositioning misplaced texts, calculating trajectories for beveling, …

In addition, Almacam offers premium features such as automated nesting, which optimizes material usage by efficiently arranging parts on one sheet to minimize waste. Almacam provides also advanced simulation tools that allow for the verification of manufacturing processes before actual production, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring precision.

Integrated process between CAD, Production Management and CAM sheet metal cutting

The integration of CAD, ERP, MES, and CAM tools enables real-time synchronization of design and production data, reducing errors and enhancing operational efficiency. This synergy optimizes resource management and nesting processes, ensuring better material usage and accurate project tracking.

integration cad cam erp
The reactivity and strong support quality of Alma enabled us to integrate their solution to our production system and processes, deploy it and use it faster than expected. Thanks to Almacam, we managed to reduce by 3 the nesting programming time. While maintaining a strong reliability in the nesting results, reaching averages of almost 93% of efficiency thanks to the power of Alma’s automatic nesting.

Wang Ru Chuan - Guangzhou-Huangpu Wenchong Shipyard

Integration of Almacam with an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Stock Management

Almacam seamlessly integrates with production management systems, ensuring efficient inventory management. Almacam is able to use remnants, optimizing material utilization, reducing waste and cost. The prenesting feature of Almacam calculates material needs before production, providing accurate estimates of material usage and ensuring that the required resources are available when needed.

Order Management

Almacam enhances order management by importing parts to be produced, along with quantities, due dates, and assembly information. This integration ensures that all relevant production details are captured. The software groups orders and schedules production, streamlining the workflow. Once nesting is ready, Almacam sends instructions to the workshop, including NC files, nesting sketches, and updates to the ERP system about nested parts, used sheets, and generated remnants. This comprehensive data flow ensures that production is aligned with order requirements.

In parallel to setting up our new ERP, we wanted to rationalize our nesting processes and harmonize our CAM tools. Using Alma as a single Cutting CAM enabled us to achieve this objective. This solution has several advantages: simplification of data exchange between the ERP and Alma, more versatility from operators, possibility to transfer manufacturing orders from one workshop to another, facilitated support and maintenance.

Yann Crépeau – Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyards

Integration of Almacam with an MES (Manufacturing Execution System)

Almacam’s integration with MES systems facilitates the export of nestings for cutting, detailing which machine to use, the date, and the specific sheet. MES then plans for the machine operators, ensuring an organized production schedule. Once the cutting is complete, MES updates the status, closing the nesting process in Almacam. This seamless interaction between Almacam and MES ensures efficient and accurate production operations.

By integrating Almacam with ERP and MES and any Production Management systems, shipbuilders can achieve superior stock and order management, enhancing productivity and operational efficiency.

To sum up, keep in mind that CAD-CAM interoperability is transforming the shipbuilding industry by enhancing precision, efficiency. The integration of these systems accelerates production, reduces risk of error and insure consistency of machinable parts. By leveraging advanced tools like Almacam and creating a cohesive production environment, shipbuilders can deliver high-quality vessels on time and within budget, driving the industry forward.